Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is going on...Up Here?

How the hell are you?



Welcome to a little slice of the John Benjamin. I believe in myself, my family and my friends. I live my life in AP Style- riddled with too many commas, filled with errors. I am a student at Indiana University where I write for the Indiana Daily Student. Among my duties at the Newspaper, I write stories for the Health/Science/Business Section, cover the wrestling team and write a weekly prospectus for Fantasy Football (My Passion). I work at Bloomington's finest restaurant, delivering pizzas and bussing tables. I am 22, years old, and hopelessly hopeful that I can earn a living and support a family.

A few other things I believe in:

I believe... living a life with a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde template. I work harder than anyone you meet. I relax harder than anyone you meet.

...that maintaining happiness is the most imporant thing in life. fundamental basketball and good running form. The backboard is a mans best friend and unless you appropriately stretch out your calves, injury is inevitable.

...that sports commentators have the sweetest deal of anyone on the planet.

...See Crash Davis's speech to Annie Savoy in Bull Durham.

...that a football team is best built through drafting hard working players and hiring a quality coach who will maximize their talents.

...I have the best fantasy football team anyone has ever seen.

...the diminishing white athlete is a product of a inferior mental strength. Nothing physical.

...the late Kurt Vonnegut is the greatest author of the 20th century.

...collegiate basketball is the greatest sport because of the unmatched passion shared by both players and fans. It is far superior than college football for two reasons: First, collegiate football is driven by money, and second, no form of competition should be left decided by people who aren't competing. Voting in athletics is bogus. is better learned in a the world, not through powerpoint.

...Arizona Cardinal running back Edgerrin James is the most intriguing personality in all of sports.

..the Rolling Stones are the greatest band of all-time.

...humanity will conquer it's shortcomings, because good always prevails.

...I can change the world one blog at a time.

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